Lawyer Ahmed Hilal

Ahmed Hilal

Lawyer specializing in the High Court and the State Council

Ahmed Hilal

  • Name: Ahmed Hilal
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Lawyer Ahmed Hilal

Name: Ahmed Hilal
Profession: Lawyer specializing in the High Court and the State Council

Educational Background:

Lawyer Ahmed Hilal holds a bachelor's degree in law from a prestigious university, where he demonstrated a strong passion for the legal field and a desire to excel in all areas of law.

Professional Experience:

1. Specialization in the High Court:

  • Lawyer Ahmed has extensive experience in High Court cases, representing clients in appeals against judgments issued by primary courts.

2. Work with the State Council:

  • He has specialized expertise in State Council cases, representing individuals and entities in administrative matters and disputes related to governmental decisions.

3. Providing Legal Consultations:

  • Lawyer Ahmed offers comprehensive legal consultations, helping individuals and companies understand their rights and obligations and effectively manage legal disputes.


  • Outstanding Professional Reputation: Lawyer Ahmed Hilal has built a strong reputation within the legal community due to his professionalism and successes in the cases he handles.

  • Contributions to Legal Awareness: He has participated in numerous seminars and workshops aimed at spreading legal knowledge among the public.

Personal Life:

Lawyer Ahmed is known for his passion for reading and culture. He continuously seeks to develop his skills and legal knowledge by keeping up with the latest developments in the field.

Future Vision:

Lawyer Ahmed Hilal believes in the importance of providing exceptional legal services that enhance client trust in lawyers. He aims to expand his services to meet the diverse legal needs of the community.

Suggested Results