Fady Khafaga

Fady Khafaga


Fady Khafaga

  • Name: Fady Khafaga


Fady Khafaga

🟢 Personal Information:


🏷️ Name: Fady Khafaga

🎂 Date of Birth: May 13, 1982 (42 years old)

🇪🇬 Nationality: Egypt

👨‍👦 Siblings: Hady Khafaga, Shady Khafaga

🟢 Career:


🎭 Profession: Actor

🚀 Career Start: Since childhood, best known for his role as "Sharaf El-Din" in Yawmiyat Wanees (Wanees' Diaries)

🎬 Notable Works:

📺 TV Series:


🏡 Yawmiyat Wanees (Wanees' Diaries)

🌃 Layali El Helmeya (The Nights of El Helmeya) – Multiple seasons

❤️ Qalb El Donia (Heart of the World)

🏡 El Nas Fi Kafr Askar (The People of Kafr Askar)

👨‍🏫 Ana Wa Ola’ (Me and Those)

🎥 Movies:


🔫 Khareg An El Qanoun (Outlaw) – starring Karim Abdel Aziz

🐺 El Yateem Wal Zi’ab (The Orphan and the Wolves)

🎭 Abdo Mawasem

🎙️ Voice Acting (Dubbing):


🐉 Dragons: Race to the Edge – Voice of "Snotlout"

🐻 We Bare Bears – Voice of "Grizz"

📚 Other Works:


📖 Gedo Abdo Rah Maktabtoh (Grandpa Abdo Went to His Library) (1988)