Hassan Ghanem

Hassan Ghanem

Egyptian actor

Hassan Ghanem

  • Name: Hassan Ghanem


🔹 Hassan Ghanem is an Egyptian actor who started his artistic career in childhood. He participated in several television and film productions, including:


🎬 Films:


📌 Khaly Min El Cholesterol (Free from Cholesterol) – 2005

📺 Television Series:


📌 Yawmiyat Wanis wa Ahfaduh (Wanis and His Grandchildren) – Season 6 (2009)

📌 Wanis wa Ayamuh (Wanis and His Days) – Season 7 (2010)

🔹 He played the character "Shahama" in both seasons.

🎭 Other Works:


📌 Piano – A television special (air date unknown).