

Directory of dentists


Directory of cardiologists and vascular doctors

Gynecologists and obstetricians

Directory of obstetricians and gynecologists


Directory of ophthalmologists in Egypt


Directory of psychiatrists

Internal doctors

Directory of internal medicine doctors

General surgeons

General Surgeons Directory

Psychiatrists who treat addiction

Directory of Psychiatrists and Addiction Treatment

Cosmetic Doctors

Directory of cosmetic doctors in Egypt


Directory of physical therapists

Diabetologists and endocrinologists

Directory of internists, diabetics and endocrinologists


Directory of dermatologists

Plastic surgery doctors

Directory of plastic surgeons

Doctors for chronic wounds, bed sores and diabetic foot

Chronic Wounds and Bedsores Doctors Guide

Pancreatic surgeons

Pancreatic Surgeons Directory

Orthopedic Doctors

Directory of orthopedists in Egypt

Neuro and spine surgery

Neuro and spine surgery

Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists

Gastroenterology and Hepatology Doctors Directory

Hematologists and Hemato-Oncologists

Directory of Hematologists and Hematologists

Speech, voice and swallowing doctors

Speech, Voice and Swallowing Specialists Directory

Gastric sleeve and gastric bypass doctors

Gastric Sleeve and Gastric Bypass Doctors Guide

Nutritionists and weight loss doctors

Nutrition and weight loss doctors directory


Directory of pediatricians

Allergists and immunologists

Chest and respiratory doctors

Chest and Respiratory Physicians Directory


Directory of endocrinologists

Ear, nose and throat doctors

Directory of ear, nose and throat doctors

Nephrologists and urologists

Directory of urologists and urologists

Doctorate of Geriatrics

Geriatricians Guide in Egypt

Pain medicine doctor

أطباء علاج الألم