Dr. Ezzeldin Mansour

Dr. Ezzeldin Mansour

Consultant of Neurosurgery and Spinal Surgery

Dr. Ezzeldin Mansour

  • Name: Dr. Ezzeldin Mansour
  • Website:

Dr. Ezzeldin Mansour
Consultant of Neurosurgery and Spinal Surgery
PhD in Neurosurgery and Spinal Surgery
Professor at Al-Azhar University - Consultant at Health Insurance Hospitals

About Dr. Ezzeldin Mansour

Dr. Ezzeldin Mansour is a distinguished neurosurgeon specializing in spinal surgeries, holding a PhD in the field and serving as a consultant and professor at Al-Azhar University. Dr. Mansour brings extensive experience in treating a wide range of neurological conditions using advanced techniques and minimally invasive surgical interventions.

Specialized Services

Dr. Ezzeldin offers a range of medical and surgical services, including:

Spinal and Nerve Pain Treatments:

Sciatica and neck pain

Lumbar and cervical disc herniation

Herniated disc treatment using radiofrequency

Minimally invasive lumbar disc removal through endoscopy

Advanced Spinal Surgeries:

Vertebral fixation with dynamic plates and screws

Spinal fracture stabilization and nerve canal expansion

Peripheral nerve decompression

Neuro-oncology and Neurological Disorders:

Spinal cord and spinal tumors

Brain and pituitary gland tumors

Pseudotumor cerebri (benign intracranial hypertension)

Treatment of Complex Neurological Conditions:

Brain hemorrhage and strokes

Seizures and brain electrical foci

Aneurysms and cerebral vascular malformations

Hydrocephalus in children

Facial nerve paralysis and trigeminal neuralgia

Chronic headaches

Clinic Locations and Contact Information

Mit Ghamr: At the beginning of Abtal Al-Falouja Street, off Al-Geish Street, opposite El-Torshobi Pharmacy
Phone: 01028280298

Kom El-Nour: Al-Basiony Building, near Kafr Hussein Bek Mosque, Al-Shaheed Youssef School
Phone: 01000520482

Diarb Negm: Mana Safour, Al-Ma'had Al-Deeni Street, next to Ibrahim Mansour Bakery
Phone: 01050502934

For Surgery Appointments: 01050502932

Additional Information

Appointments and Follow-ups: By advance booking

Email: ezzmansor54@gmail.com

Dr. Ezzeldin Mansour’s Neurosurgery and Spine Clinic offers advanced medical care using the latest technology, providing precise and comprehensive patient care to ensure optimal outcomes.


في الأول لازم نعرف إن الغدة النخامية هي المسؤولة عن إفراز هرمون اللبن (prolactin).
طيب لو حصل فيها ورم؟ ده بيسبب أعراض كتير زي:👇
💢 تأخر الإنجاب.
💢 زيادة هرمون اللبن.
💢 عدم انتظام الدورة الشهرية.
💢 مشكلات في الرؤية.
💢 هشاشة في العظام.
💢 انخفاض هرمونات أُخرى تُنتجها الغدة النخامية.
💢 ضعف الانتصاب والقدرة الجنسية لدى الرجال.
⭕ اطمنوا أورام الغدة النخامية في الأغلب حميدة وعلاجها سهل وغالباً بيتم عن طريق المنظار بسهولة وآمان، ومن مميزاته إنه:👇
✔️ أقل ألم.
✔️ أسرع في التعافي.
✔️ أقل فترة نقاهة.
✔️ مضاعفاته قليلة تكاد تكون معدومة.
لو حسيتوا بالأعراض دي زورونا في عيادة دكتور عزالدين منصور لتلقي العلاج المُناسب ❤️