Dr. Ezzeldin Mansour

Dr. Ezzeldin Mansour

Consultant in brain, nerve and spine surgeries and endoscopy

Dr. Ezzeldin Mansour

  • Name: Dr. Ezzeldin Mansour
  • Website:

Dr. Ezz El-Din Mansour
Consultant in Neurosurgery, Neurology, and Spine Endoscopy 🧠💉
PhD in Neurosurgery and Spine Surgery 🎓🩺
Lecturer at Al-Azhar University 👨‍🏫
Consultant at Health Insurance Hospitals 🏥

About Dr. Ezz El-Din Mansour 🌟

Dr. Ezz El-Din Mansour is a leading consultant in neurosurgery, neurology, and spine surgery, holding a PhD in this specialized field. He works as a consultant and lecturer at Al-Azhar University 🎓. Dr. Ezz El-Din is known for his vast and comprehensive experience in treating various neurological conditions using the latest technologies and minimally invasive surgical techniques 🩺🔬.

Medical Specialties and Services 💼

Treatment of Spine and Nerve Pain 💥

Sciatica and neck pain (nerve inflammation)

Lumbar and cervical herniated discs (disc tears)

Treatment of herniated discs with radiofrequency 🔥

Minimally invasive lumbar disc removal 🩻

Advanced Spine Surgery 🏥

Spinal fusion using dynamic movement plates and screws ⚙️

Spinal fracture fixation and spinal canal widening

Peripheral nerve decompression 🔌

Treatment of Tumors and Neurological Abnormalities 🎗️

Spinal cord and spinal column tumors 🧠

Brain and pituitary gland tumors

Pseudotumor cerebri (benign intracranial hypertension)

Treatment of Complex Neurological Conditions ⚠️

Brain hemorrhage and strokes 💉

Seizures and electrical foci in the brain

Aneurysms and brain vascular malformations

Hydrocephalus in children 👶

Bell's palsy and trigeminal neuralgia 😣

Chronic migraines 🤕

Clinic Locations and Contact Numbers 📍

Mit Ghamr Clinic
📍 Address: First Street of Ahl Al-Falouga, from Al-Gamea Street, opposite Tarshoubi Pharmacy
📞 Phone: 01028280298

Kom El-Nour Clinic
📍 Address: Basyoni Building, next to Kafr Hussein Mosque, New Martyr Yusuf School
📞 Phone: 01000520482

Dierb Negm Clinic
📍 Address: Mena Safour, Al-Ma'hed Al-Dini Street, next to Ibrahim Mansour Bakery
📞 Phone: 01050502934

For Surgery Appointments
📞 Phone: 01050502932

Additional Information 📝

Consultation and Follow-ups: By appointment only 📅

Email: ezzmansor54@gmail.com

Dr. Ezz El-Din Mansour's clinic for neurosurgery, neurology, and spine surgery offers advanced medical services using state-of-the-art technologies 🧬 to ensure the best therapeutic results for patients 👨‍⚕️. Dr. Ezz El-Din is committed to providing precise and comprehensive medical care with a focus on creating a comfortable and safe environment for all patients.


في الأول لازم نعرف إن الغدة النخامية هي المسؤولة عن إفراز هرمون اللبن (prolactin).
طيب لو حصل فيها ورم؟ ده بيسبب أعراض كتير زي:👇
💢 تأخر الإنجاب.
💢 زيادة هرمون اللبن.
💢 عدم انتظام الدورة الشهرية.
💢 مشكلات في الرؤية.
💢 هشاشة في العظام.
💢 انخفاض هرمونات أُخرى تُنتجها الغدة النخامية.
💢 ضعف الانتصاب والقدرة الجنسية لدى الرجال.
⭕ اطمنوا أورام الغدة النخامية في الأغلب حميدة وعلاجها سهل وغالباً بيتم عن طريق المنظار بسهولة وآمان، ومن مميزاته إنه:👇
✔️ أقل ألم.
✔️ أسرع في التعافي.
✔️ أقل فترة نقاهة.
✔️ مضاعفاته قليلة تكاد تكون معدومة.
لو حسيتوا بالأعراض دي زورونا في عيادة دكتور عزالدين منصور لتلقي العلاج المُناسب ❤️