Dr. Alaa Al-Qattan

Dr. Alaa Al-Qattan

Dental consultant

Dr. Alaa Al-Qattan

  • Name: Dr. Alaa Al-Qattan
  • Website:

Dr. Alaa Al-Qattan



1. Orthodontics:

Metal Braces: Used to correct teeth alignment and improve smiles.

2. Teeth Whitening:

Chemical Whitening: A procedure using effective whitening agents for a brighter smile.

Zoom Whitening: An advanced technique that allows for teeth whitening in one session using special light.

3. Gum Aesthetics:

Laser Surgery: Helps improve gum shape and remove imperfections for an ideal smile.

4. Bridges:

Emax Bridges: Provide aesthetic solutions for replacing missing teeth.

5. Surgical Procedures:

Tooth Extraction: Conducted through a professional surgical procedure with necessary care provided.

Dental Implants: Performed without surgery using modern techniques to enhance results.

6. Crowns:

Emax Crown: Offers a natural and aesthetic appearance.

Zirconia Crown: A strong and durable option that provides a great look.

7. Fillings:

Colored Fillings: Restore damaged teeth with a matching color.

Porcelain Fillings: Provide a natural appearance and durability.

Zirconia Fillings: Resistant to wear and aesthetically pleasing.

8. Dental Beads:

Used for treating various dental issues.

Additional Services:

Root Canal Treatment: Includes diagnosis and treatment of root infections.

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: Surgical procedures related to facial and functional aesthetics.

Dental X-rays: Imaging to assess dental health.

Adult Dentistry: Comprehensive care for adults.

Geriatric Dentistry: Tailored services for seniors, including specialized exams and treatments.

Teeth Aesthetics:

Using Fixed Veneers (Emax Material): To enhance the appearance of teeth.

Gummy Smile Correction with Laser: Reshaping the gums to suit the smile's appearance.


56 Makram Ebeid, District 6, Nasr City, Cairo Governorate


For appointments and inquiries:



نعم، عادةً ما يتطلب حشو الأسنان العادي (مثل حشوات التجويفات) استخدام بنج موضعي. يهدف البنج إلى تخفيف الألم وعدم الراحة أثناء إجراء الحشو. يتم حقن البنج في المنطقة المحيطة بالسن المعالج،
مما يجعل المنطقة تنخفض الحساسية أثناء عملية الحشو. بعد الانتهاء من الإجراء، قد يستغرق تأثير البنج بعض الوقت ليزول، وعادةً ما يشعر المريض بالراحة بعد أن يزول تأثيره.

إذا كان لديك أي استفسارات إضافية عن الإجراءات أو أنواع الحشوات، فلا تتردد في السؤال!