Dr. Ayman Mortada

Dr. Ayman Mortada

Consultant in Cardiovascular Diseases

Dr. Ayman Mortada

  • Name: Dr. Ayman Mortada
  • Website:

Dr. Ayman Mortada
Consultant in Cardiovascular Diseases

Profile and Expertise:

Dr. Ayman Mortada is a renowned consultant in cardiovascular diseases and is considered one of the leading specialists in the field in Egypt. He is distinguished by his extensive experience in diagnosing and treating various heart conditions, and he currently serves as the head of the Cardiology Department at Ain Shams Specialized Hospital.

Dr. Ayman's interest in cardiology dates back to his early years in medical school, where he specialized in cardiology after graduation. To deepen his knowledge in this field, Dr. Ayman pursued further studies and obtained a PhD in Cardiovascular Diseases from Ain Shams University, one of the most prestigious universities in Egypt.

In his continuous pursuit of excellence and specialization, Dr. Ayman focused on the study of cardiac electrophysiology, a field that examines the electrical patterns of the heart and detects arrhythmias. Through this specialization, he earned a certificate in European Cardiac Electrophysiology, which further solidified his position as one of the distinguished experts in his field.

Specializations of Dr. Ayman Mortada:

  • Consultant in Adult Cardiology:
    Dr. Ayman has extensive experience in handling complex and chronic heart conditions in adults, such as heart failure, heart attacks, hypertension, coronary artery disease, and other cardiovascular disorders.

  • Consultant in Coronary Artery Catheterization:
    Dr. Ayman uses advanced and modern techniques in coronary artery catheterization, a procedure used to diagnose and treat coronary artery blockages, including balloon angioplasty and stent placement.

  • Consultant in Cardiac Electrophysiology:
    Specialized in studying the electrical signals of the heart and analyzing arrhythmias. This includes treatment with pacemakers and defibrillators, which help control irregular heart rhythms.

Educational Qualifications and Certifications:

  • PhD in Cardiovascular Diseases from Ain Shams University.
  • European Certification in Cardiac Electrophysiology for Heart Devices.

Professional Experience:

  • Ain Shams Specialized Hospital: Head of the Cardiology Department.
  • Ain Shams University Hospital: Working in the Department of Cardiovascular Diseases, overseeing complex and advanced cases.
  • Constantly updated with the latest developments in cardiovascular technology and modern treatment techniques.

Consultation Hours:

Appointments are available by prior scheduling only.

Working Hours: From 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM.

Clinic Location:
Address: Al-Nuzha Street, Al-Baraka Bank Building, Saint Fatima Square, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt.

Contact and Appointment Booking:

Phone: +20 109 882 6123

Dr. Ayman Mortada is considered one of the most forward-thinking cardiologists, keeping up with the latest medical advancements and techniques in cardiology. He is dedicated to providing precise and attentive care to his patients. If you're seeking a consultant for heart diseases, coronary interventions, or arrhythmias, Dr. Ayman is the ideal choice for receiving top-quality treatment and medical guidance.


شفاء مريض القلب يعتمد على عدة عوامل، بما في ذلك نوع المرض، شدة الحالة، العوامل الصحية العامة، ونمط الحياة. بعض الأمراض القلبية، مثل أمراض القلب الإقفارية (تصلب الشرايين)،
يمكن إدارتها بشكل جيد، بينما يحتاج البعض الآخر إلى علاجات متقدمة أو جراحة.

1. إدارة الأمراض القلبية

  • الأدوية: كثير من المرضى يحتاجون إلى أدوية مثل مضادات التخثر، ومضادات الكوليسترول، وأدوية ضغط الدم. يمكن أن تساعد هذه الأدوية في تحسين نوعية الحياة وتقليل المخاطر.
  • تغيير نمط الحياة: الالتزام بنمط حياة صحي يتضمن تناول نظام غذائي متوازن، ممارسة الرياضة بانتظام، والإقلاع عن التدخين يمكن أن يحدث فرقًا كبيرًا في صحة القلب.

2. التدخل الجراحي

  • في بعض الحالات، قد يتطلب الأمر تدخلًا جراحيًا مثل قسطرة القلب أو عمليات تحويل الشرايين. هذه العمليات يمكن أن تساعد في تحسين تدفق الدم وتخفيف الأعراض.

3. الشفاء التام

  • بعض المرضى يمكن أن يتعافوا بشكل كامل بعد العلاج، بينما يمكن أن يحتاج الآخرون إلى إدارة طويلة الأجل لحالتهم. الدعم النفسي والاجتماعي يلعب دورًا أيضًا في الشفاء.