Dr. Majed Saad El-Gentiri

Dr. Majed Saad El-Gentiri

Consultant in Cardiology and Vascular Diseases

Dr. Majed Saad El-Gentiri

  • Name: Dr. Majed Saad El-Gentiri
  • Website:


Dr. Majed Saad El-Gentiri

Consultant in Cardiology and Vascular Diseases




Dr. Majed El-Gentiri is a consultant in cardiology and vascular diseases, specializing in the treatment of various cardiovascular and vascular conditions in adults, including coronary artery disease, heart failure, arrhythmias, and peripheral vascular diseases.

Educational Qualifications:

PhD in Cardiology - Cairo University

Dr. El-Gentiri obtained his PhD in cardiology from Cairo University, one of the most renowned educational institutions in Egypt and the Arab world.


Master's Degree in Cardiology and Vascular Diseases

He holds a Master's degree in cardiology and vascular diseases, reflecting his deep commitment to studying this complex medical field.


Interventional Cardiology Fellowship - Asturias Central University Hospital, Spain

He received advanced training in interventional cardiology at Asturias Central University Hospital in Spain, enabling him to handle complex cases using modern interventional techniques for cardiovascular and vascular diseases.


Professional Experience:

Consultant in Cardiology and Vascular Diseases at Dar Al-Fouad Hospitals

Dr. El-Gentiri works as a consultant in cardiology and vascular diseases at Dar Al-Fouad Hospital, one of the best hospitals in Egypt specializing in heart disease treatment. He provides comprehensive care for patients suffering from heart and vascular diseases.


Director of the Cardiac Catheterization Department at Dar Al-Fouad Hospital - Nasr City

He holds the position of Director of the Cardiac Catheterization Department at Dar Al-Fouad Hospital in Nasr City, overseeing interventional catheterization procedures for diagnosing and treating coronary artery disease and structural heart defects.


Interventional Cardiology Fellow at Asturias Central University Hospital, Spain

Dr. El-Gentiri trained in interventional cardiology at one of Spain's leading hospitals, which enables him to use the latest global techniques for treating heart disease efficiently.


Clinic Features:


The clinic is equipped with an elevator, making it easier for patients, especially those with mobility issues, to reach the clinic.


Television Screen:

A television screen is provided in the waiting area for patients to pass the time comfortably while waiting for their appointment.


Air Conditioning:

The clinic is air-conditioned to ensure patient comfort during their visit, especially in warm weather.


Clinic Services:

Comprehensive Medical Examination:

The clinic provides thorough medical examinations for patients with cardiovascular and vascular diseases, including hypertension, arrhythmias, coronary artery disease, and peripheral vascular disease.



Dr. El-Gentiri offers specialized consultations regarding the prevention and management of heart diseases, including conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol disorders.


Interventional Cardiac Catheterization:

One of Dr. El-Gentiri's primary specialties is interventional cardiac catheterization, which involves treating coronary artery blockages, performing diagnostic catheters, and treating structural heart defects through minimally invasive techniques.


Advanced Diagnostic Tests:

The clinic offers a variety of tests such as blood tests, electrocardiograms (ECG), stress tests, and Doppler ultrasound for vascular diseases.


Additional Details:

Waiting Time:

The average waiting time at the clinic is about 10 minutes, ensuring a relatively short wait for patients.


Consultation Fee:

The consultation fee is 650 EGP, which is reasonable for the high-quality services provided by Dr. El-Gentiri.


Appointment Booking:

To schedule an appointment, you can call 01100216370.


Clinic Location:

The clinic is located in the Nasr City area, making it easily accessible for patients from Greater Cairo.


Dr. Majed El-Gentiri is a renowned consultant in cardiology and vascular diseases with extensive experience and training in both Egypt and internationally. He specializes in diagnosing and treating cardiovascular diseases using the latest medical techniques, including interventional cardiology. His clinic is equipped with modern facilities and offers a comfortable, patient-friendly environment.


For more information or to book an appointment, please call the clinic directly at the provided phone number.


This should give a clear understanding of Dr. Majed El-Gentiri’s qualifications, services, and clinic details in English. Let me know if you need further assistance!


شفاء مريض القلب يعتمد على عدة عوامل، بما في ذلك نوع المرض، شدة الحالة، العوامل الصحية العامة، ونمط الحياة. بعض الأمراض القلبية، مثل أمراض القلب الإقفارية (تصلب الشرايين)،
يمكن إدارتها بشكل جيد، بينما يحتاج البعض الآخر إلى علاجات متقدمة أو جراحة.

1. إدارة الأمراض القلبية

  • الأدوية: كثير من المرضى يحتاجون إلى أدوية مثل مضادات التخثر، ومضادات الكوليسترول، وأدوية ضغط الدم. يمكن أن تساعد هذه الأدوية في تحسين نوعية الحياة وتقليل المخاطر.
  • تغيير نمط الحياة: الالتزام بنمط حياة صحي يتضمن تناول نظام غذائي متوازن، ممارسة الرياضة بانتظام، والإقلاع عن التدخين يمكن أن يحدث فرقًا كبيرًا في صحة القلب.

2. التدخل الجراحي

  • في بعض الحالات، قد يتطلب الأمر تدخلًا جراحيًا مثل قسطرة القلب أو عمليات تحويل الشرايين. هذه العمليات يمكن أن تساعد في تحسين تدفق الدم وتخفيف الأعراض.

3. الشفاء التام

  • بعض المرضى يمكن أن يتعافوا بشكل كامل بعد العلاج، بينما يمكن أن يحتاج الآخرون إلى إدارة طويلة الأجل لحالتهم. الدعم النفسي والاجتماعي يلعب دورًا أيضًا في الشفاء.