Dr. Gamal Zidan

Dr. Gamal Zidan

Cardiology and Interventional Catheterization Consultant

Dr. Gamal Zidan

  • Name: Dr. Gamal Zidan
  • Website:

Dr. Gamal Zidan

Cardiology and Interventional Catheterization Consultant

National Heart Institute


Specializations Treated by Dr. Gamal Zidan:

Adult Cardiology:

This includes a variety of conditions affecting the heart in adults, such as:


Coronary Artery Disease: Leading to angina or heart attacks.

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure): Which can lead to complications such as heart failure or stroke.

Heart Failure: A condition where the heart is unable to pump enough blood to meet the body's needs.

Arrhythmias: Abnormal heart rhythms, such as atrial fibrillation or tachycardia.

Heart Infections: Such as pericarditis or myocarditis.

Cardiac Catheterization:


Diagnostic Catheterization: A procedure used to detect coronary artery problems using thin, flexible tubes inserted through blood vessels.

Therapeutic Catheterization: Includes procedures like stent placement to open blocked arteries or clot removal.

Interventional Cardiology:

This includes advanced procedures that do not require open heart surgery, such as:


Balloon Angioplasty: A procedure to widen narrowed or blocked blood vessels.

Stent Placement: Inserting stents to support coronary arteries after balloon angioplasty.

Educational Qualifications:

Member of the European Society of Cardiology and Interventional Catheterization:

This membership is one of the most prestigious credentials for heart specialists in Europe and worldwide, reflecting Dr. Gamal Zidan’s commitment to staying updated with the latest developments in the field of cardiology.


Consultant at the National Heart Institute:

The National Heart Institute is one of Egypt’s largest and most renowned heart centers, serving as a key reference point for cardiology and cardiac care.


Clinic Features:


To facilitate easy access for patients, especially those with mobility issues.


TV Screen:

Provides entertainment for patients during their waiting time, making their visit more comfortable.


Air Conditioning:

The clinic is equipped with air conditioning to ensure patient comfort at all times, especially in hot weather.


High-Quality Services:

The clinic offers innovative medical services, using the latest techniques in diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases.


Clinic Details:



128 Sudan Street, Mohandessin, Above KFC, 10th Floor, Giza Governorate.

The clinic is easily accessible from most areas of Cairo and Giza, located in a central area in Mohandessin.

Consultation Fee:


500 Egyptian Pounds: This is a reasonable price considering Dr. Gamal Zidan’s deep specialization and vast experience in the field of cardiology and catheterization.

Waiting Time:


Typically ranges between 10 to 14 minutes, reflecting the clinic's commitment to providing prompt and efficient service.

Contact Number:


0109 440 1443: You can contact this number to schedule an appointment or inquire about services available at the clinic.

Reasons to Choose Dr. Gamal Zidan:

Extensive Experience:

Dr. Gamal Zidan has many years of experience in treating heart conditions and performing interventional catheterization, making him highly capable of handling complex cases.


Advanced Technological Skills:

Dr. Zidan uses the latest technologies in heart diagnosis and treatment, ensuring effective and precise care.


Good Reputation:

Dr. Gamal Zidan is well-known for his professionalism and trustworthiness in the cardiology community, and patients feel confident under his care.


Comprehensive Consultations:

Dr. Zidan provides not only diagnostic services but also valuable advice on preventing heart diseases and developing a treatment plan tailored to each patient.


Additional Services Offered by Dr. Gamal Zidan:

Regular Follow-Up Consultations:

For patients with chronic heart conditions or those who have undergone catheterization or stent placement, Dr. Zidan offers ongoing medical monitoring to ensure recovery and success.


Early Diagnosis:

Dr. Zidan emphasizes the importance of early detection of heart diseases, which helps reduce future risks and complications.


Why Choose Dr. Gamal Zidan?

Professionalism and Excellence:

Dr. Gamal Zidan is known for his high level of professionalism in patient care and treatment, addressing each case with meticulous attention.


Advanced Techniques:

With the latest diagnostic tools and treatment methods, Dr. Zidan ensures patients receive the best care available.


Comfortable Environment:

The clinic is well-equipped to provide a comfortable and stress-free experience for patients, with amenities like air conditioning and entertainment during waiting times.


If you need specialized care for your heart or wish to consult a medical expert in cardiology, Dr. Gamal Zidan is an excellent choice due to his expertise, advanced treatment methods, and patient-centered approach.


شفاء مريض القلب يعتمد على عدة عوامل، بما في ذلك نوع المرض، شدة الحالة، العوامل الصحية العامة، ونمط الحياة. بعض الأمراض القلبية، مثل أمراض القلب الإقفارية (تصلب الشرايين)،
يمكن إدارتها بشكل جيد، بينما يحتاج البعض الآخر إلى علاجات متقدمة أو جراحة.

1. إدارة الأمراض القلبية

  • الأدوية: كثير من المرضى يحتاجون إلى أدوية مثل مضادات التخثر، ومضادات الكوليسترول، وأدوية ضغط الدم. يمكن أن تساعد هذه الأدوية في تحسين نوعية الحياة وتقليل المخاطر.
  • تغيير نمط الحياة: الالتزام بنمط حياة صحي يتضمن تناول نظام غذائي متوازن، ممارسة الرياضة بانتظام، والإقلاع عن التدخين يمكن أن يحدث فرقًا كبيرًا في صحة القلب.

2. التدخل الجراحي

  • في بعض الحالات، قد يتطلب الأمر تدخلًا جراحيًا مثل قسطرة القلب أو عمليات تحويل الشرايين. هذه العمليات يمكن أن تساعد في تحسين تدفق الدم وتخفيف الأعراض.

3. الشفاء التام

  • بعض المرضى يمكن أن يتعافوا بشكل كامل بعد العلاج، بينما يمكن أن يحتاج الآخرون إلى إدارة طويلة الأجل لحالتهم. الدعم النفسي والاجتماعي يلعب دورًا أيضًا في الشفاء.