Dr. Reem Abdel Moniem Mohamed Habib

Dr. Reem Abdel Moniem Mohamed Habib

Professor of Internal Medicine

Dr. Reem Abdel Moniem Mohamed Habib

  • Name: Dr. Reem Abdel Moniem Mohamed Habib
  • Website:

Dr. Reem Abdel Moniem Mohamed Habib – Professor of Internal Medicine, Cairo University

Rheumatology and Immunology Consultant


Dr. Reem Abdel Moniem Mohamed Habib is a Professor of Internal Medicine at Cairo University, and a specialist consultant in rheumatology and immunology. With extensive experience in internal medicine, Dr. Reem provides specialized consultations in various areas, including:


General Internal Medicine: Diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting internal organs.

Adult Rheumatology: Treatment of rheumatic diseases in adults.

Pediatric Rheumatology: Specializing in rheumatic diseases in children.

Gastroenterology and Endoscopy for Adults: Diagnosis and treatment of digestive system diseases using endoscopic procedures.

Clinic Address:

Banafseg 9, in front of Waterway Compound, near Al-Rehab, First Settlement, Cairo.


Contact Numbers for Appointments and Inquiries:






Consultation Fee: 600 EGP

Waiting Time: 6 minutes


Why Choose Dr. Reem Abdel Moniem?

Extensive Experience in Internal Medicine and Rheumatology: Dr. Reem Abdel Moniem is one of the leading specialists in rheumatologic and immunologic diseases.

Accurate Diagnosis and Comprehensive Treatment: She offers precise medical consultations in rheumatology and immunology, utilizing the latest treatment methods.

Convenient Location: The clinic is situated in the First Settlement, making it easily accessible.

Comprehensive Services for Children and Adults: Dr. Reem provides diverse medical services in internal medicine and rheumatology for both children and adults.

How to Make an Appointment with Dr. Reem Abdel Moniem:

You can schedule an appointment or inquire by calling the numbers listed above, or visit the clinic at the given address for specialized medical consultation.

Suggested Results


ألم القولون عادةً يُشعَر به في منطقة البطن، وغالبًا ما يكون متركزًا في أسفل البطن، خاصةً في الجانب الأيسر. ومع ذلك،
يمكن أن يمتد الألم إلى مناطق أخرى من البطن ويكون مصحوبًا بأعراض مثل الانتفاخ، الغازات، التقلصات، والإسهال أو الإمساك.

إذا كان الألم مزمنًا أو شديدًا، فمن الأفضل استشارة الطبيب لتشخيص الحالة والحصول على العلاج المناسب،
خاصةً لأن هذه الأعراض قد تكون مشابهة لحالات أخرى مثل التهاب الزائدة الدودية أو مشاكل في الأمعاء الدقيقة.