Dr. Ahmed Nagy Fouad

Dr. Ahmed Nagy Fouad

Specialist in Pulmonary Diseases and Tuberculosis

Dr. Ahmed Nagy Fouad

  • Name: Dr. Ahmed Nagy Fouad
The clinic is located in Qena Center, in front of Dendera Bridge Street, on Nile Corniche, Qena, ,

🩺 Dr. Ahmed Nagy Fouad

Specialist in Pulmonary Diseases and Tuberculosis


🔬 Specialties:


🌿 Adult Allergy and Immunology:

Diagnoses and treats allergies and immunological issues in adults, such as allergic asthma or allergic rhinitis.


🦠 Autoimmune Diseases:

Treats conditions where the immune system attacks the body’s healthy cells, such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.


👶 Pediatric Allergy and Immunology:

Focuses on diagnosing and treating allergies and immunological diseases in children, including allergic asthma and respiratory disorders.


💨 Respiratory Allergy:

Provides specialized treatment for respiratory problems caused by allergies, such as asthma or allergic bronchitis.


🫁 Pulmonary and Respiratory Diseases in Adults:

Treats respiratory diseases in adults, including pneumonia, tuberculosis (TB), and chronic lung conditions like bronchitis.


🧸 Pulmonary and Respiratory Diseases in Children:

Treats respiratory diseases in children, such as pneumonia, bronchitis, and asthma.


💰 Consultation Fee:


The consultation fee with Dr. Ahmed Nagy Fouad is 150 EGP.

📍 Location:


The clinic is located in Qena Center, in front of Dendera Bridge Street, on Nile Corniche, Qena Governorate.

📞 Contact Number:


You can reach Dr. Ahmed at: 0106 225 0551