Dr. Magdy Mohamed Abdeen

Dr. Magdy Mohamed Abdeen

Consultant of internal medicine, heart, chest and diabetes

Dr. Magdy Mohamed Abdeen

  • Name: Dr. Magdy Mohamed Abdeen
  • Website:

Dr. Magdy Mohamed Abdeen

Consultant of Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Chest and Diabetes

Life Artery Clinics

Medical Services:

Respiratory Diseases:

Lung Diseases: Such as Bronchial Asthma, Pulmonary Tuberculosis, and Immune Lung Diseases.

Pulmonary Embolism

Respiratory Infection

Pulmonary Hypertension

Respiratory Tumors

Diagnostic and Therapeutic Lung Endoscopy

Respiratory Functions Including Sleep Apnea

Allergy and Immunology:

Allergy and Immunology for Children and Adults

Food Allergy: Including Dairy Allergy and Food Allergy in General

Rhinitis and Sinus Allergy

Skin Allergy: Such as Eczema, Hay Fever, and Chronic Skin Allergy

Eye Allergy

Allergy to Insects, Pollen, and Dust

Treatment of Drug Allergy

Diagnosis and Treatment of Allergy Cases

Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis in Children

Treatment of Difficulty Breathing

Treatment of Chronic Sinusitis

Autoimmune Diseases



6 Tahrir Street, Dokki, in front of Al-Bohouth Metro Station, 9th Floor

Contact Numbers:

Number 1: 01050594580

Number 2: 01151442233

Number 3: 01555114394

Suggested Results


أعراض الالتهاب الرئوي تشمل:

السعال (قد يكون مصحوبًا ببلغم).

الحمى والقشعريرة.

ضيق التنفس أو صعوبة التنفس.

ألم في الصدر يزداد مع التنفس أو السعال.

الإرهاق وضعف الجسم.

فقدان الشهية والغثيان أحيانًا.

ملاحظة: تختلف الأعراض حسب شدة الحالة وعمر المريض.