Dr. Ahmed Al-Sawaaf

Dr. Ahmed Al-Sawaaf

Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Dr. Ahmed Al-Sawaaf

  • Name: Dr. Ahmed Al-Sawaaf
  • Website:

Dr. Ahmed El-Sawaf

Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology


Consultant of delayed pregnancy and assisted fertilization: Providing solutions to treat reproductive problems using modern techniques such as ICSI and IVF.

ICSI and IVF: Advanced procedures to help couples achieve pregnancy, with a focus on choosing the gender of the embryo.

Laparoscopic surgery: Performing delicate surgeries to treat congenital uterine defects.

Critical pregnancy: Providing specialized care for women in high-risk pregnancies.

Placentia praevia treatment: Managing placental conditions that pose a risk to the mother and fetus.

Gynecological cosmetics: Cosmetic procedures to improve women's health and confidence.


Founding member and partner of United Doctors Company: Participating in managing a group of hospitals specialized in ICSI.

Medical Director of Egypt Fertility Center: Providing integrated services to treat fertility problems.

Medical Director of Giza Fertility Clinic: Providing specialized care for couples suffering from reproductive problems.

Member of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM): Participating in modern research and practices in the field of fertility.

Member of the European Society of Fertility (ESHRE): Commitment to global standards of practice in fertility.

Member of the Egyptian Fertility Society (EFSS): Engagement in the local medical community to promote knowledge and services.

Services provided:

ICSI: Precise procedures to achieve pregnancy using advanced techniques.

Treatment of infertility and delayed childbearing: Multiple strategies including different examinations and treatments.

Natural and cesarean birth: Providing various options for childbirth with pre- and post-natal care.

Gynecological cosmetic surgery: Procedures including vaginal rejuvenation and vaginal tightening.

Ultrasound examination: 3D and 4D ultrasound to follow up on pregnancy status.

Follow-up of critical pregnancy cases: Close monitoring of high-risk pregnancies.

Fibroid removal: A surgical procedure to treat tumors and gynecological diseases.

Vaginal spasm treatment: Treatment strategies to improve sexual comfort.

Contact Information:

Clinic Number:





8 Murad St., Murad Administrative Tower, Gad Restaurant Building, Giza Square, Cairo, Giza


مميزات وعيوب الولادة القيصرية


  1. تجنب مضاعفات المخاض: خيار جيد في حالات معينة مثل وضع الجنين غير الطبيعي.
  2. توقيت محدد: يمكن جدولة العملية.
  3. تقليل الضغط على الجنين: مناسب في حالات مثل ارتفاع ضغط الدم أو داء السكري.
  4. تجنب إصابات المخاض: يقلل من المخاطر المرتبطة بالمخاض التقليدي.


  1. التعافي الأطول: تحتاج إلى فترة استشفاء أطول مقارنة بالولادة الطبيعية.
  2. المخاطر الجراحية: مثل العدوى والنزيف.
  3. المضاعفات المستقبلية: قد تزيد من خطر حدوث مشاكل في الحمل التالي.
  4. التأثير على الرضاعة: قد تسبب صعوبة في الرضاعة الطبيعية.