Dr. Amira Ragab

Dr. Amira Ragab

specialist in facial aesthetics and an expert in skincare

Dr. Amira Ragab

🌟 Who is Dr. Amira Ragaab?
Dr. Amira Ragaab is a facial aesthetics specialist and skincare expert, holding a diploma in cosmetic medicine and laser.
She is known for offering the latest cosmetic treatments that keep up with global advancements in the field, ensuring she remains a leader in providing beauty care.
With her extensive experience, Dr. Amira contributes to enhancing skin beauty and youthfulness, focusing on achieving the best possible results for her clients in a natural and safe manner.

💉 Services Provided:

💉 Botox and Filler Injections:
Dr. Amira uses botox and filler injections to enhance the appearance of the skin and reduce wrinkles, making the skin appear youthful and flexible.

🌱 Plasma and Mesotherapy:
Plasma treatment and mesotherapy are used to revitalize the skin and regenerate its cells by stimulating natural collagen production, promoting radiance and combating early signs of aging.

🔬 Chemical Peels:
With the use of glycolic acid or other types of acids, chemical peels help to remove the surface layer of the skin and renew it, improving the skin’s appearance and boosting its glow.

🌀 HIFU and Ulfit:
Non-surgical techniques for skin tightening that work by stimulating collagen beneath the skin and lifting tissues, leaving the skin looking firmer and younger.

💡 Laser Hair Removal:
Laser hair removal provides a permanent solution to unwanted hair by targeting hair follicles to prevent further growth.

🌟 Fractional Laser:
An innovative technique that improves the texture of the skin and treats scars and wrinkles, renewing the skin and giving it a smoother appearance.

💎 Dermapen for the Face:
Dermapen stimulates natural collagen production through fine needles, helping to treat acne scars and improve the overall appearance of the skin.

🔴 Plasma Jet:
Plasma Jet technology is used for skin rejuvenation and treating wrinkles, providing a tightening effect and making the skin appear more youthful and elastic.📞 Contact and Pre-booking:

📱 Phone Number: 01020446861

📧 Email: ameraelabd816@gmail.com

📍 Locations:

🕌 Alexandria: Loran, Sha'rawy Tram Station.

🏠 Abu Matamir: Alexandria Street, behind Dr. Fathi Abu Zaid Pharmacy (New Branch).

🗓 Appointment Times:

🔹 By appointment only.

🌸 Dr. Amira Ragaab is committed to providing the best cosmetic care for her clients using the latest medical technologies and global aesthetic innovations, ensuring natural and satisfactory results.
Dr. Amira always strives to offer unique experiences that cater to her clients' comfort and beauty needs.

News & Articles

Feb 19
الفيلر والبوتوكس

تُعتبر حقن الفيلر والبوتوكس من أهم العلاجات التجميلية التي تُستخدم بشكل واسع للحصول على بشرة أكثر شبابًا ونضارة. فهي تقنيات غير جراحية تمنحك مظهرًا طبيعيًا ومتناسقًا