Dr. Sherif Wahba

Dr. Sherif Wahba

Oral Medicine, Oral Surgery and Cosmetic Dentistry Specialist

Dr. Sherif Wahba

  • Name: Dr. Sherif Wahba
  • Website:

Dr. Sherif Wahba

Specialist in Oral Medicine, Oral Surgery and Cosmetic Dentistry

About the Doctor:

Dr. Sherif Wahba is a distinguished specialist in dental treatment and cosmetic dentistry, with years of experience that have made him a reference in his field.

He is distinguished by designing smiles using the latest advanced techniques in veneers and cosmetic lenses such as Emax veneers and cosmetic fillings, helping his patients get a perfect and natural smile.

He also has extensive experience in 3D nerve treatment, taking advantage of the latest magnification techniques to ensure treatment and its effectiveness.

He pays special attention to decayed teeth and works on rehabilitating the mouth using advanced methods, to ensure the best functional and aesthetic results.

In his quest to provide the highest levels of care, he relies on the latest digital x-ray and camera detection devices to ensure accurate and rapid diagnosis. He also uses modern digital anesthesia devices as a comfortable and safe alternative to traditional injections, providing a comfortable experience for patients.

In addition,

Dr. Sherif Wahba

In flexible removable prostheses, and surgically extracts buried wisdom teeth using advanced techniques to ensure rapid recovery and reduce pain.

Clinic Address:

New Marg, Al-Jazirah Street, branching off from Mohamed Naguib Street

To contact:

Phone number: 01097703836


نعم، عادةً ما يتطلب حشو الأسنان العادي (مثل حشوات التجويفات) استخدام بنج موضعي. يهدف البنج إلى تخفيف الألم وعدم الراحة أثناء إجراء الحشو. يتم حقن البنج في المنطقة المحيطة بالسن المعالج،
مما يجعل المنطقة تنخفض الحساسية أثناء عملية الحشو. بعد الانتهاء من الإجراء، قد يستغرق تأثير البنج بعض الوقت ليزول، وعادةً ما يشعر المريض بالراحة بعد أن يزول تأثيره.

إذا كان لديك أي استفسارات إضافية عن الإجراءات أو أنواع الحشوات، فلا تتردد في السؤال!