Dr. Mohamed Ehab Kamal

Dr. Mohamed Ehab Kamal

Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Cosmetic Dentistry

Dr. Mohamed Ehab Kamal

  • Name: Dr. Mohamed Ehab Kamal
  • Website:

Dr. Mohamed Ehab Kamal
Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Cosmetic Dentistry

Dr. Mohamed Ehab Kamal is a highly experienced specialist
 in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery
and cosmetic dentistry. He provides comprehensive
and advanced services, including pediatric dental care,
dental implants, orthodontics, and root canal and gum treatments.
Dr. Mohamed is dedicated to offering integrated care using
the latest technologies to ensure patient comfort and satisfaction.

Specialized Services:

Gum treatment

Dental implants

Cosmetic dentistry

Root canal and nerve treatments

Pediatric and geriatric dental care

Fixed and removable prosthetics

Oral and maxillofacial surgery

Orthodontics (Clear and Decorative)

Teeth whitening (Zoom and laser)

Veneers and Hollywood Smile

Regular and surgical tooth extraction

Root canal treatment

Wisdom tooth extraction

Teeth cleaning and tartar removal

Treatment for cavities and dental abscesses

Clinic Location:

Plot No. 7999, Street 9, Mokattam, Upper Plateau
In front of Trees Street, next to Zidan Supermarket

Additional Services:

Panoramic X-ray for 150 EGP

Contact Information:

Phone number: 01200577860


Dr. Mohamed Ehab Kamal is a distinguished specialist
in oral and cosmetic dentistry, offering a wide
range of services to meet the needs of patients of all ages.
Committed to providing the highest standards of quality and care,
 Dr. Mohamed ensures the best outcomes for oral health and beautiful smiles.


نعم، عادةً ما يتطلب حشو الأسنان العادي (مثل حشوات التجويفات) استخدام بنج موضعي. يهدف البنج إلى تخفيف الألم وعدم الراحة أثناء إجراء الحشو. يتم حقن البنج في المنطقة المحيطة بالسن المعالج،
مما يجعل المنطقة تنخفض الحساسية أثناء عملية الحشو. بعد الانتهاء من الإجراء، قد يستغرق تأثير البنج بعض الوقت ليزول، وعادةً ما يشعر المريض بالراحة بعد أن يزول تأثيره.

إذا كان لديك أي استفسارات إضافية عن الإجراءات أو أنواع الحشوات، فلا تتردد في السؤال!