Dr. Ibrahim Abdel Hakim

Dr. Ibrahim Abdel Hakim

Consultant of physical therapy and weight loss at the National Institute of Neuromuscular Diseases

Dr. Ibrahim Abdel Hakim

  • Name: Dr. Ibrahim Abdel Hakim
  • Website:

Dr. Ibrahim Abdel Hakim

Personal Introduction

Dr. Ibrahim Abdel Hakim is a lecturer at the College of Physical Therapy at Badr University, and he is also a consultant in physical therapy and weight loss at the National Institute for the Device. He has extensive experience in this field, making him a trusted reference for both students and patients.

Academic Qualifications

  • Master's Degree: in Obesity and Thinness in Children.
  • PhD: in Physical Therapy and Weight Loss from Cairo University.

Professional Experience

  • Director of First Centers: for Weight Loss and Physical Therapy, where he oversees diverse therapeutic programs.
  • Specialist in Therapy and Nutrition Programs: providing comprehensive and tailored consultations for healthy nutrition and weight loss.


  • Consultations on Obesity and Thinness: offering specialized professional advice to help manage weight.
  • Diploma in Therapeutic Nutrition: enabling him to provide in-depth consultations on healthy nutrition.


Dr. Ibrahim is known for his extensive expertise and deep concern for patient health. He enjoys high regard from both students and patients, reflecting his commitment to providing outstanding medical care

Suggested Results


Physical therapy is a form of medical treatment aimed at improving movement, reducing pain, increasing strength, and restoring the ability to perform daily activities more effectively. Physical therapy relies on non-surgical techniques and, in some cases, without the need for medication. These techniques include therapeutic exercises, manual therapy, electrical stimulation, cold and heat therapy, specialized methods such as ultrasound, and many other treatments.