Dr. Buthaina Abdul Hasib Taha

Dr. Buthaina Abdul Hasib Taha

Pediatric Chest Consultant

Dr. Buthaina Abdul Hasib Taha

  • Name: Dr. Buthaina Abdul Hasib Taha
  • Website:

Dr. Buthaina Abdul Hasib Taha

Consultant in Pediatrics and Neonatology, specializing in Pediatric Chest Diseases.

Academic Qualifications:

PhD in Pediatrics from a prestigious university

Diploma in Pediatric Chest Diseases

Professional Experience:

Head of the Pediatric Department at Abbassia Chest Hospital, where she supervises the diagnosis and treatment of children with chest diseases and allergies.

Works on providing specialized medical consultations in the field of chest diseases and allergies for children.

Professional Memberships:

European Chest and Allergy Society: Contributes to the development of medical practices related to chest diseases and allergies at the European level.

Egyptian Chest Society: Participates in research and medical activities related to chest diseases in Egypt.

Egyptian Pediatric Society: Contributes to improving the quality of pediatric health care and educating doctors in this field.

Services Provided:

Diagnosis and treatment of allergies in children: including nasal, skin, and food allergies.

Asthma Case Management: Designing treatment plans tailored to symptoms and reducing asthma attacks.

Treatment of shortness of breath: Treating the various causes of shortness of breath in children.

Newborn care: Includes monitoring growth and development and dealing with emergencies.

Working hours:

Daily from 6 pm to 10 pm, including weekends.


Nasr City:

81 El Nasr Road, next to Taiba Mall, 6th floor, above El Barlesy Pharmacy.

El Rehab:

Corner Mall, One Care Clinic, in front of Gate 6.

Phone numbers:

Nasr City: 01224025516

El Rehab: 01120283938

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Suggested Results


أعراض الالتهاب الرئوي تشمل:

السعال (قد يكون مصحوبًا ببلغم).

الحمى والقشعريرة.

ضيق التنفس أو صعوبة التنفس.

ألم في الصدر يزداد مع التنفس أو السعال.

الإرهاق وضعف الجسم.

فقدان الشهية والغثيان أحيانًا.

ملاحظة: تختلف الأعراض حسب شدة الحالة وعمر المريض.