Dr. Salah Abu Zaid

Dr. Salah Abu Zaid

Consultant of Internal Medicine, Kidney, and Diabetes

Dr. Salah Abu Zaid

  • Name: Dr. Salah Abu Zaid
  • Website:

Dr. Salah Abu Zaid

Consultant of Internal Medicine, Kidney, and Diabetes

Medical Specialties:

General Internal Medicine: Diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to the internal organs of the body.

Kidney Diseases: Dealing with kidney problems such as kidney failure and kidney stones.

Diabetes: Providing consultations to treat diabetes and monitor its complications such as diabetic foot and retinal diseases.

Available Medical Services:

Infectious Diseases: Diagnosis and treatment of diseases caused by viruses and bacteria.

Diabetic Nutrition: Developing appropriate nutritional plans to improve control of blood sugar levels.

Anemia Nutrition: Providing nutritional advice to enhance iron levels in the body.

Blood Pressure Diseases: Managing and treating high and low blood pressure.

Esophageal Reflux Treatment: Providing solutions to alleviate symptoms and problems associated with acid reflux.

Abdominal and pelvic ultrasound: Performing imaging tests to evaluate internal organs.

Cholesterol Treatment: Monitoring and managing cholesterol levels in the blood.

Rheumatology: Treating joint problems and inflammation.

Immunology: Dealing with cases of immunodeficiency and autoimmune diseases.

Lipid disorders: Treatment of blood lipid disorders.

Kidney transplantation: Management and care of patients who need kidney transplantation.

Treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers: Providing treatment for diseases associated with peptic ulcers.

Treatment of esophageal and gastric varices: Providing consultations for the treatment of varices affecting the digestive system.

Dealing with irritable bowel syndrome: Providing treatment plans to relieve symptoms.

Gastroscopy and colonoscopy: Using endoscopes to diagnose and treat digestive system problems.


Section 2, Stotah Square, Pearl Tower, 7th floor

Phone number:


Other areas of expertise:


Geriatrics and geriatrics

Pediatric internal medicine

Adult internal medicine

Suggested Results


ألم القولون عادةً يُشعَر به في منطقة البطن، وغالبًا ما يكون متركزًا في أسفل البطن، خاصةً في الجانب الأيسر. ومع ذلك،
يمكن أن يمتد الألم إلى مناطق أخرى من البطن ويكون مصحوبًا بأعراض مثل الانتفاخ، الغازات، التقلصات، والإسهال أو الإمساك.

إذا كان الألم مزمنًا أو شديدًا، فمن الأفضل استشارة الطبيب لتشخيص الحالة والحصول على العلاج المناسب،
خاصةً لأن هذه الأعراض قد تكون مشابهة لحالات أخرى مثل التهاب الزائدة الدودية أو مشاكل في الأمعاء الدقيقة.