Dr. Mohamed Nagaty

Dr. Mohamed Nagaty

Consultant of chest diseases and chest allergies

Dr. Mohamed Nagaty

  • Name: Dr. Mohamed Nagaty
  • Website:

Dr. Mohamed Nagaty

Consultant of Chest Diseases and Chest Allergy

Contact Information:

Clinic Number: 01009450728

Clinic Branches:

Mohandessin Branch:

Address: 25 Mecca Street, intersection of Mohi El Din Abu El Ezz, in front of the Hunting Club.

Access Details: Located above Bingo Shop.

Downtown Branch:

Address: 183 Tahrir Street, Strand Building, second floor.

Notes: A vital area close to public transportation.

Nasr City Branch:

Address: 81 El Nasr Road, next to Taiba Mall, above El Barlesy Pharmacy, third floor.

Access Details: Easily accessible from several directions.

Haram Branch:

Address: 68 El Mariouteya intersection with El Haram main street, fifth floor.

Notes: Above LC Waikiki Shop.

Working hours:

Saturday: 9 pm - 11 pm

Wednesday: 3 pm - 5 pm

Reservation: Prior reservation is required, it is preferable to call before visiting.

Specialties and services:

Allergy and Immunology:

Respiratory allergies: Asthma, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis.

Food allergies: Diagnosis and treatment of food allergies in children and adults.

Drug and skin allergies: Including urticaria and eczema.

Respiratory diseases:

Lung diseases: Including tuberculosis, pneumonia, and clots.

Asthma: Evaluation and treatment of cases.

Diagnosis and treatment:

Lung endoscopy: Using endoscopes for diagnosis and treatment.

Respiratory functions: Performing respiratory function tests to assess the condition.

Special cases:

Chronic sinusitis.

Treatment of eczema and skin rashes.

Treatment of difficulty breathing and asthma attacks.

Examination fee:

400 pounds.

Waiting time:

1 hour and 8 minutes. (Varies according to patient movement).


Scientific Societies:

Member of the Egyptian Society of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis.

Member of the Egyptian Scientific Society of Bronchology.


Dr. Mohamed Nagaty has extensive experience in dealing with all cases of chest diseases and chest allergies, including complex cases that require advanced treatment strategies.

Suggested Results


أعراض الالتهاب الرئوي تشمل:

السعال (قد يكون مصحوبًا ببلغم).

الحمى والقشعريرة.

ضيق التنفس أو صعوبة التنفس.

ألم في الصدر يزداد مع التنفس أو السعال.

الإرهاق وضعف الجسم.

فقدان الشهية والغثيان أحيانًا.

ملاحظة: تختلف الأعراض حسب شدة الحالة وعمر المريض.