Dr. Mohamed Hassan Saeed

Dr. Mohamed Hassan Saeed

Consultant Retina Surgeon and Laser Vision Correction

Dr. Mohamed Hassan Saeed

  • Name: Dr. Mohamed Hassan Saeed
  • Website:

Dr. Mohamed Hassan Saeed

Consultant Retina and Laser Vision Correction Surgeon

Academic Qualifications:

Professor of Ophthalmology:

Holds advanced degrees in Ophthalmology, with a specialization in Vitreoretinal Surgery.

International Training:

Participated in international training programs and workshops in ophthalmology, which enhances his practical experience.


European Society of Vitreoretinal Surgery:

Active in exchanging knowledge about the latest research and techniques in the field of retinal surgery.

American Society of Cataract and Laser Vision Correction:

Contributes to the development of standards and practices in cataract surgery.

Working hours:

Sporting Clinic:

Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 4 to 8 pm

Asafir Clinic:

Saturday and Tuesday from 8 to 10 pm



Abu Qir St., Jocasta Tower, 2nd floor, in front of Cleopatra Bridge, next to Misr Petroleum Gas Station.


45th St., first 4th St. left at the tunnel, next to Amir Al-Attour.

Services provided:

Eye examination and treatment:

Comprehensive assessment of vision and medical history, and providing appropriate treatments.

Lasik vision correction:

Advanced techniques such as femto-LASIK, which involves the use of laser to correct visual defects.

Cataract surgery:

Using the latest techniques, such as cataract fragmentation with ultrasound, to restore vision.

Retinal and vitreous surgery:

Treatment of retinal problems such as retinal detachment, holes, and bleeding.

Visual Rehabilitation:

Rehabilitation programs that include exercises and techniques to improve vision after surgery.

Lens Implantation:

Intraocular lens implantation to correct vision, especially for patients who are not suitable for LASIK.


Improving the appearance of the eyelids and treating functional problems such as ptosis.

Treatment of diabetic complications on the retina:

Strategies for the prevention and early treatment of retinal problems resulting from diabetes.

Treatment of visual defects:

Modern techniques to correct myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism.

Corneal and glaucoma surgery:

Advanced surgery to treat glaucoma and improve eye pressure.

Fundus examination:

Comprehensive assessment of the health of the retina and optic nerve.

Exophthalmos treatment:

Consultations and treatment for problems associated with exophthalmos.

Optic nerve and electroretinography:

Accurate assessment of visual functions to diagnose potential problems.

Strabismus surgery:

Correcting the position of the eye to improve vision and balance.

To contact:

Phone: 01111300804 / 01111300801

Landline: 035462297 / 035462295


أعراض التهاب العين تختلف بناءً على سبب الالتهاب ونوعه، ولكنها تشمل بشكل عام:

  1. احمرار العين: يحدث بسبب توسع الأوعية الدموية في العين.
  2. حكة وحرقة: الشعور بالحكة أو الحرقة قد يشير إلى التهاب العين.
  3. انتفاخ الجفون: يمكن أن يحدث انتفاخ في الجفن العلوي أو السفلي.
  4. الإفرازات: قد تظهر إفرازات شفافة أو صفراء أو خضراء من العين، خاصة عند الاستيقاظ.
  5. زيادة الدموع: قد تزداد الدموع نتيجة تهيج العين.
  6. الشعور بجسم غريب في العين: يمكن أن يشعر الشخص بوجود شيء عالق بالعين حتى وإن لم يكن هناك شيء.
  7. الحساسية للضوء: يمكن أن يصبح النظر إلى الضوء مزعجًا بسبب الالتهاب.
  8. تشوش الرؤية: قد يتسبب التهاب العين في تشويش مؤقت للرؤية.
  9. ألم في العين: ألم خفيف أو شديد قد يصاحب التهاب العين، خاصة إذا كان مصحوبًا بتورم.

إذا ظهرت هذه الأعراض أو ازدادت سوءًا، يُفضل مراجعة طبيب العيون لتشخيص الحالة وتحديد العلاج المناسب، حيث يمكن أن يؤدي إهمال الالتهاب إلى مضاعفات تؤثر على صحة العين والرؤية.