Dr. Shaimaa Hussein

Dr. Shaimaa Hussein

Senior Consultant in General Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology and Hepatology.

Dr. Shaimaa Hussein

  • Name: Dr. Shaimaa Hussein
  • Website:

Dr. Shaimaa Hussein

Assistant Professor and Senior Consultant in General Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Diabetes and Hypertension

Education and Training:

Master's Degree in General Internal Medicine: Obtained in 2009.

PhD in General Internal Medicine: Obtained in 2015.

Assistant Professor of General Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University.

Work Experience:

Senior Consultant in General Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology and Hepatology.

Member of the Egyptian Society of Liver Diseases.

Works as a consultant in Ain Shams University Hospitals, Ain Shams Specialized Hospitals, Arab Contractors and Palestine Hospitals.

Medical Specialties:

General Internal Medicine

Digestive System and Endoscopy (including Ultrasound)

Liver (for adults and children)

Diabetes and Hypertension

Endocrine Glands (for adults and children)

Kidneys (for adults and children)

Chest and Respiratory System (for adults and children)

Heart (for adults and children)

Rheumatism (for adults)

Examination and Clinic Information:

Examination Fee: 360 EGP.

Waiting Time: 43 minutes.

Comprehensive Consultation Fee: 200 EGP (includes all tests).

Consultation: 160 EGP (lasts for 7 days from the date of examination).

Address: Ain Shams, intersection of Manshiet El Tahrir Street with Gesr El Suez Street.

Examination includes: Ultrasound.

Advance booking: Advance booking is required

Prior to the visit


Additional notes:

The comprehensive consultation provides medical advice and allows follow-up for additional consultations during the week after the examination.

Suggested Results


ألم القولون عادةً يُشعَر به في منطقة البطن، وغالبًا ما يكون متركزًا في أسفل البطن، خاصةً في الجانب الأيسر. ومع ذلك،
يمكن أن يمتد الألم إلى مناطق أخرى من البطن ويكون مصحوبًا بأعراض مثل الانتفاخ، الغازات، التقلصات، والإسهال أو الإمساك.

إذا كان الألم مزمنًا أو شديدًا، فمن الأفضل استشارة الطبيب لتشخيص الحالة والحصول على العلاج المناسب،
خاصةً لأن هذه الأعراض قد تكون مشابهة لحالات أخرى مثل التهاب الزائدة الدودية أو مشاكل في الأمعاء الدقيقة.