Dr. Mohamed Hammouda

Dr. Mohamed Hammouda

Consultant of Chest Diseases and Allergies at the Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University

Dr. Mohamed Hammouda

  • Name: Dr. Mohamed Hammouda

Dr. Mohamed Hamouda - Top Consultant in Chest Diseases & Allergies in Mansoura and Senbellawein | Extensive Experience in Respiratory Care

If you’re searching for the best pulmonologist in Mansoura or a professor specializing in respiratory and allergy disorders, Dr. Mohamed Hamouda is your ideal choice. With extensive expertise in diagnosing and treating chest diseases and allergies for adults and children, he utilizes the latest medical technologies.

🩺 Who is Dr. Mohamed Hamouda?

Dr. Mohamed Hamouda is a Consultant in Chest Diseases and Allergies at the Faculty of Medicine - Mansoura University, and one of Egypt’s leading specialists in this field.

  • 🎓 Academic Qualifications:

    • Ph.D. in Chest Diseases from Mansoura University Faculty of Medicine.

    • Holder of the European Diploma in Chest Diseases.

  • 🌟 Professional Experience:

    • Vast experience in treating respiratory disorders, including asthmapneumoniapulmonary fibrosis, and pulmonary hypertension.

    • Specialized in managing severe COVID-19 cases and treating sleep-related breathing disorders like sleep apnea.

    • Performs interventional chest endoscopies and uses CT scans and ultrasound for accurate diagnosis.

✅ Why Choose Dr. Mohamed Hamouda?

1️⃣ Extensive Expertise: Over 15 years in treating chest diseases and allergies.
2️⃣ Advanced Technology: Utilizes state-of-the-art medical equipment for diagnosis and treatment.
3️⃣ Comprehensive Care: Meticulous follow-up for critical cases like respiratory failure.
4️⃣ All-Age Treatment: Specializes in care for both adults and children.

❤️ Medical Services Offered

1. Respiratory Allergy Treatment

  • Diagnosis and treatment of asthma for adults and children.

  • Customized, effective treatment plans for each patient.

2. Respiratory Disease Management

  • Treatment of acute pneumonia and chronic pulmonary fibrosis.

  • Post-COVID-19 recovery monitoring.

3. Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders

  • Diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea.

4. Advanced Techniques

  • Interventional chest endoscopies and biopsy sampling.

  • CT scans and ultrasound for precise diagnosis.

5. Pulmonary Tumors

  • Diagnosis and follow-up of lung tumors and secondary malignancies.

6. Critical Care

  • Pre- and post-operative respiratory assessments.

📍 Clinic Locations & Hours

🏥 Mansoura Clinic

  • 📌 Address: Al Mahatta Square - Al Lulu'a Tower - in front of Al Da'da' Restaurant.

  • 🕒 Hours:

    • Saturday to Wednesday: 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM.

    • Sunday & Tuesday: 9:30 PM – 11:00 PM.

    • Monday: 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM.

    • Thursday: By appointment only.

  • 📞 Phone: 01550033722 / 0502310268.

  • 💰 Consultation Fee: 330 EGP.

🏥 Senbellawein Clinic

  • 📌 Address: Ard El Mahaleg - Al Diaa Tower - in front of Abou El Fotouh Pharmacy.

  • 🕒 Hours:

    • Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, & Wednesday: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM.

  • 📞 Phone: 01551989296 / 01009045939.

  • 💰 Consultation Fee: 220 EGP.

📞 Book an Appointment

🌟 Dr. Mohamed Hamouda’s Message

"With my extensive experience in chest diseases and allergies, I strive to provide comprehensive healthcare using the latest diagnostic and treatment technologies. Whether you suffer from asthma or respiratory disorders, we are here to ensure your comfort and well-being."

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