Dr. Mohamed Hammouda

Dr. Mohamed Hammouda

Consultant of Chest Diseases and Allergies at the Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University

Dr. Mohamed Hammouda

  • Name: Dr. Mohamed Hammouda
  • Website:

Dr. Mohamed Hammouda - Consultant of Chest Diseases and Allergies at the Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University

About Dr. Mohamed Hammouda

Dr. Mohamed Hammouda is a lecturer and consultant in chest diseases and allergies at the Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University. He has extensive expertise in diagnosing and treating respiratory diseases for both adults and children. He holds the European Diploma in Chest Diseases and is a member of:

  • The Egyptian Society of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis.
  • The European Respiratory Society (ERS).

Specializations and Medical Services

1. Respiratory Allergy Treatment:

  • Allergy management for adults and children.
  • Comprehensive diagnosis and personalized treatment plans for respiratory allergies.

2. Management and Treatment of Respiratory Diseases:

  • Treatment of severe COVID-19 cases and post-COVID follow-ups.
  • Management of acute pneumonia and chronic pulmonary fibrosis.
  • Treatment of pulmonary embolism and pulmonary hypertension.

3. Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders:

  • Diagnosis and treatment of conditions like sleep apnea.

4. Advanced Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques:

  • Interventional bronchoscopy and biopsy sampling.
  • Utilizing CT scans and ultrasound for accurate diagnoses.
  • Managing pleural effusion with advanced catheter placement techniques.

5. Pulmonary Tumors:

  • Diagnosis and follow-up of primary and secondary lung tumors.
  • Creating effective treatment strategies for chronic cases.

6. Critical Care Management:

  • Pre- and post-operative respiratory evaluations.
  • Monitoring and treating respiratory failure in intensive care units.

Clinic and Appointment Information

Clinic Address:

Mansoura - Al-Mahatta Square, Al-Lu’lu’a Tower (opposite Al-Daada’a Restaurant), 4th Floor.

Consultation Details:

  • Waiting Time: Just 10 minutes.
  • Consultation Fee: 220 EGP.

Contact Information:

Why Choose Dr. Mohamed Hammouda?

  1. Expertise and International Qualifications:

    • Holder of the European Diploma in Chest Diseases.
    • Member of leading local and international chest disease societies.
  2. Accurate Diagnosis:

    • Advanced diagnostic tools, including CT scans and ultrasound.
  3. Comprehensive Services:

    • End-to-end medical solutions from diagnosis to post-treatment care.
  4. Personalized Care:

    • Customized treatment plans tailored to individual patient needs.

Book Your Appointment Today

If you are experiencing any respiratory issues, don’t hesitate to visit Dr. Mohamed Hammouda for accurate diagnosis and comprehensive treatment.

"Health and proper breathing are the foundation of life."


If you are searching for the best chest and respiratory specialist in Mansoura, Dr. Mohamed Hammouda is the top choice. His extensive experience and advanced medical services cater to all patient needs.


أعراض الالتهاب الرئوي تشمل:

السعال (قد يكون مصحوبًا ببلغم).

الحمى والقشعريرة.

ضيق التنفس أو صعوبة التنفس.

ألم في الصدر يزداد مع التنفس أو السعال.

الإرهاق وضعف الجسم.

فقدان الشهية والغثيان أحيانًا.

ملاحظة: تختلف الأعراض حسب شدة الحالة وعمر المريض.