Dr. Mohamed El-Sayed Consultant in Physiotherapy

Dr. Mohamed El-Sayed Aboul Wafa Al-Naqeeb

Dr. Mohamed El-Sayed Aboul Wafa Al-Naqeeb is a renowned consultant in physiotherapy and rehabilitation, accredited by the Egyptian Ministry of Health and the private sector.

Dr. Mohamed El-Sayed Aboul Wafa Al-Naqeeb

  • Name: Dr. Mohamed El-Sayed Aboul Wafa Al-Naqeeb

🌟 Dr. Mohamed El-Sayed Abu El-Wafa El-Naqeeb 🌟

🩺 Consultant in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation for Bone and Spine Issues 🩺

🔹 About the Doctor 🔹

Dr. Mohamed El-Sayed Abu El-Wafa El-Naqeeb is a certified Consultant in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, recognized by the Egyptian Ministry of Health and the private sector. With over 20 years of experience, Dr. Mohamed specializes in the treatment and rehabilitation of bone and spine disorders. He utilizes the latest therapeutic techniques, including modern cupping therapy, acupuncture, and nutritional therapy. He also has extensive experience in treating obesity, underweight, and improving body posture.

🎓 Educational Qualifications 🎓

Professional Doctorate in Physical Therapy - Bone and Spine Specialty, Cairo University.

Professional Diploma in Healthcare Quality - Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport.

Professional Diploma in Nutritional Therapy - Sadat Academy for Administrative Sciences.

💼 Positions and Professional Experience 💼

Consultant in Physical Therapy and Obesity Treatment - Gerga General Hospital, Egyptian Ministry of Health.

Head of the Physical Therapy Department - Dar Al-Teb Hospital, Sohag.

Member of the Egyptian Physical Therapy Syndicate since 2003.

Member of the Egyptian Society for Healthcare Quality (ESQUA).

Member of the Egyptian Society for Nutritional Therapy (ESCN).

🛠️ Specializations and Services 🛠️

Dr. Mohamed offers a wide range of specialized therapeutic services:

Manual Therapy and Spinal Adjustment:

Treatment and rehabilitation of muscles, joints, and the spine using advanced techniques.

Restoring muscle flexibility and improving joint movement.

Modern Cupping Therapy:

Dr. Mohamed uses modern cupping techniques to improve blood circulation and relieve pain, following strict infection control protocols to ensure patient safety.


Acupuncture is used effectively to treat various conditions like joint pain, muscle tension, and sports injuries by stimulating specific points in the body to relieve pain and promote natural healing.

Nutritional Therapy:

Dr. Mohamed offers consultations in nutritional therapy to treat chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and digestive issues.

Helping patients achieve a healthy and balanced weight and improve overall body function.

Obesity and Underweight Treatment & Body Posture Improvement:

Using advanced techniques to help patients reach their ideal weight and improve body posture through personalized treatments.

Women's Health Care Unit:

Dr. Mohamed also focuses on women’s health, offering rehabilitation and treatment for issues related to the spine and bones specific to women, such as pregnancy, childbirth recovery, and post-menopausal health.

🏥 Clinic Locations 🏥

Dar Al-Teb Hospital, Sohag
Address: Sohag.
Phone: 012221410011.

Clinic: Assirat West, Train Station Crossing
Next to the sewage station in Awlad Ali.
Phone: 01111721102.

Clinic: Al-Duwirat Housing Complex
In front of Duwirat Gas Station.
Phone: 01141217201.

❓ Why Choose Dr. Mohamed El-Sayed Abu El-Wafa El-Naqeeb? ❓

Over 20 years of experience in treating complex cases.

Utilizes the latest therapeutic techniques such as modern cupping therapy and acupuncture.

Multiple specializations including manual therapy, cupping, acupuncture, and nutritional therapy.

Complete commitment to infection control and healthcare quality to ensure patient comfort and safety.

Specialized services for obesity and underweight treatment with innovative medical and therapeutic techniques.

Physical therapy in Sohag. 🏥 Consultant in physical therapy in Sohag. 👨‍⚕️ Modern cupping therapy in Sohag. 🩸 Spine treatment in Sohag. 💪 Obesity treatment clinic in Sohag. ⚖️ Nutritional therapy in Sohag. 🍎

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