Dr. Mohamed Al-Assal

Dr. Mohamed Al-Assal

Consultant Professor of Internal Medicine and Diabetes

Dr. Mohamed Al-Assal

  • Name: Dr. Mohamed Al-Assal
  • Website:

Prof. Dr. Mohamed El-Assal


Professor of Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology and Liver, Consultant of Diabetes and Endocrinology for Adults and Morbid Obesity.


Sunday and Thursday: 4 pm - 10 pm


Address: Nasr City, El-Nasr Road next to the Egyptian Arab Bank, Tower 81, 8th floor.

Clinic number: 01102102176

Services provided:

1. Liver diseases:

Diagnosis and treatment of viral hepatitis: Management of chronic conditions, including hepatitis C.

Fatty liver diseases: Treatment and diagnosis of fatty liver.

Biliary endoscopy: Using advanced techniques for diagnosis and treatment.

2. Digestive diseases:

Irritable bowel syndrome: Diagnosis and treatment of various symptoms.

Stomach and duodenal ulcers: Providing integrated treatment plans.

Endoscopy procedure: Gastroscopy and colonoscopy for accurate diagnosis.

3. Endocrinology and Diabetes:

Diabetes management: Develop comprehensive treatment plans with regular follow-ups.

Special nutrition: Nutritional advice tailored to diabetics and anemia patients.

Diagnosis of endocrine disorders: such as hypothyroidism and diabetes.

4. Blood pressure and cholesterol diseases:

Diagnosis of hypertension: Conducting necessary tests and managing treatment.

Lipid management: Developing dietary and lifestyle plans to improve cholesterol levels.

5. Immunology and rheumatology:

Diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune diseases: such as lupus and arthritis.

Guidance for rehabilitation programs: to improve quality of life.

Academic qualifications:

PhD in internal medicine, gastroenterology and liver, endocrinology and diabetes.

Training in prestigious hospitals: Gaining extensive practical experience.


Years of experience in the field of healthcare: with a focus on early diagnosis and effective treatment.

Conferences and seminars: Participation in many medical events to update knowledge.

Additional notes:

Advance booking: It is preferable to book appointments in advance due to high demand.

Personal Consultations: Providing comprehensive consultations to each patient based on their individual condition.

For inquiries or appointments, please call the number mentioned.


ألم القولون عادةً يُشعَر به في منطقة البطن، وغالبًا ما يكون متركزًا في أسفل البطن، خاصةً في الجانب الأيسر. ومع ذلك،
يمكن أن يمتد الألم إلى مناطق أخرى من البطن ويكون مصحوبًا بأعراض مثل الانتفاخ، الغازات، التقلصات، والإسهال أو الإمساك.

إذا كان الألم مزمنًا أو شديدًا، فمن الأفضل استشارة الطبيب لتشخيص الحالة والحصول على العلاج المناسب،
خاصةً لأن هذه الأعراض قد تكون مشابهة لحالات أخرى مثل التهاب الزائدة الدودية أو مشاكل في الأمعاء الدقيقة.