Consultant of Cardiology and Interventional Catheterization

Dr. Mohamed El-Khouli

Dr. Mohamed El-Khouli is one of Egypt’s leading consultants in cardiology and interventional catheterization.

Dr. Mohamed El-Khouli

  • Name: Dr. Mohamed El-Khouli

Dr. Mohamed Elkhouly - Top Consultant in Cardiology and Interventional Catheterization in Tanta and El Mahalla | 15 Years of Experience

If you are searching for the best cardiologist in Tanta or the top interventional catheterization specialist who provides comprehensive medical care, Dr. Mohamed Elkhouly is the ideal choice. With over 15 years of experience in diagnosing and treating heart and vascular diseases using the latest interventional techniques, Dr. Elkhouly is a trusted name in cardiology.

🩺 Who is Dr. Mohamed Elkhouly?

Dr. Mohamed Elkhouly is one of the most prominent consultants in cardiology and interventional catheterization in Egypt.

  • 🎓 Holds a Ph.D. in Cardiology from Benha University.

  • 🏆 Carries an advanced diploma in interventional catheterization.

  • 🌍 Completed his training at leading international medical centers specializing in heart disease treatment.

✅ Why Choose Dr. Mohamed Elkhouly?

1️⃣ Extensive Experience in Treating Heart and Vascular Diseases

  • ✔️ Over 15 years of experience in treating angina pectoriscoronary artery blockageheart muscle weakness, and heart rhythm disorders.

2️⃣ High Skill in Cardiac Catheterization Procedures

  • ✔️ One of the pioneers in Tanta in interventional catheterization, both diagnostic and therapeutic, with exceptional precision in cardiac stent placement.

3️⃣ Use of Advanced Medical Technologies

  • ✔️ Utilizes the latest medical devices to ensure the highest success rates with minimal complications.

4️⃣ Comprehensive Patient Care

  • ✔️ Provides meticulous follow-up for chronic conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes, with personalized treatment plans for each patient.

❤️ Medical Services Provided

1. Diagnosis and Treatment of Heart Diseases

  • 💔 Angina Pectoris.

  • 🩸 Coronary Artery Blockage.

  • 🫀 Heart Muscle Weakness.

  • ❌ Heart Attacks.

2. Interventional Cardiac Catheterization

  • 🏥 Treatment of artery blockages and stent placement.

  • 🔬 Diagnostic and therapeutic catheterization using advanced techniques.

3. Treatment of Heart Rhythm Disorders

  • ⚡ Advanced therapeutic solutions using interventional catheterization.

4. Prevention and Follow-Up

  • 📊 Special follow-up programs for patients with diabetes and high blood pressure.

  • 🌿 Preventive consultations to maintain heart health.

📍 Clinic Locations and Working Hours

🏥 Tanta Clinic

  • 📌 Address: Al Bahr Street, Al Asema Tower, in front of Banque Misr.

  • 🕒 Working Hours: Daily from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM (except Thursday and Friday).

  • 📞 Phone Number: 01005137619

🏥 El Mahalla Clinic

  • 📌 Address: Talaat Harb Street, Al Safa and Al Marwa Tower, above Nasr New Pharmacy.

  • 📞 Phone Number: 01024761317

📲 WhatsApp for Consultations: 01005137619

⭐ Why is Dr. Mohamed Elkhouly the Best?

1️⃣ Extensive Experience: Over 15 years in interventional catheterization.
2️⃣ Advanced Technologies: Uses the latest medical devices for precise treatments.
3️⃣ Personalized Care: Tailored treatment plans for each patient.

🗓️ Book Your Appointment Now!

📅 Visit Dr. Mohamed Elkhouly for the best cardiac care in Tanta and El Mahalla.

🔍 Additional Tips for Heart Disease Prevention

  • Eat a healthy diet rich in vegetables and fruits.

  • Exercise regularly.

  • Avoid smoking and alcohol.

  • Schedule regular heart check-ups, especially if you suffer from chronic conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure.

Top 5 Cases That Require Cardiac Catheterization ⚕️ | Watch with the Best Cardiologist in Tanta - Dr. Mohamed Elkhouly





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